11,932 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWhile boundary representations, such as nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS) surfaces, have traditionally well served the needs of the modeling community, they have not seen widespread adoption among the wider engineering discipline. There is a common perception that NURBS are slow to evaluate and complex to implement. Whereas computer-aided design commonly deals with surfaces, the engineering community must deal with materials that have thickness. Traditional visualization techniques have avoided NURBS, and there has been little cross-talk between the rich spline approximation community and the larger engineering field. Recently there has been a strong desire to marry the modeling and analysis phases of the iterative design cycle, be it in car design, turbulent flow simulation around an airfoil, or lighting design. Research has demonstrated that employing a single representation throughout the cycle has key advantages. Furthermore, novel manufacturing techniques employing heterogeneous materials require the introduction of volumetric modeling representations. There is little question that fields such as scientific visualization and mechanical engineering could benefit from the powerful approximation properties of splines. In this dissertation, we remove several hurdles to the application of NURBS to problems in engineering and demonstrate how their unique properties can be leveraged to solve problems of interest

    Four-Majorana qubit with charge readout: dynamics and decoherence

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    We present a theoretical analysis of a Majorana-based qubit consisting of two topological superconducting islands connected via a Josephson junction. The qubit is operated by electrostatic gates which control the coupling of two of the four Majorana zero modes. At the end of the operation, readout is performed in the charge basis. Even though the operations are not topologically protected, the proposed experiment can potentially shed light on the coherence of the parity degree of freedom in Majorana devices and serve as a first step towards topological Majorana qubits. We discuss in detail the charge-stability diagram and its use for characterizing the parameters of the devices, including the overlap of the Majorana edge states. We describe the multi-level spectral properties of the system and present a detailed study of its controlled coherent oscillations, as well as decoherence resulting from coupling to a non-Markovian environment. In particular, we study a gate-controlled protocol where conversion between Coulomb-blockade and transmon regimes generates coherent oscillations of the qubit state due to the overlap of Majorana modes. We show that, in addition to fluctuations of the Majorana coupling, considerable measurement errors may be accumulated during the conversion intervals when electrostatic fluctuations in the superconducting islands are present. These results are also relevant for several proposed implementations of topological qubits which rely on readout based on charge detection

    The New Deal, Race, and Home Ownership in the 1920s and 1930s

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    Many federal government housing policies began during the New Deal of the 1930s. Many claim that minorities benefited less from these policies than whites. We estimate the relationships between policies in the 1920s and 1930s and black and white home ownership in farm and nonfarm settings using a pseudo-panel of repeated cross-sections of households in 1920, 1930, and 1940 matched with policy measures in 460 state economic areas. The policies examined include FHA mortgage insurance, HOLC loan refinancing, state mortgage moratoria, farm loan programs, public housing, public works and relief, and payments to farmers to take land out of production.

    Prediction of Damage to Structure resulting from Recirculation of Particles from a Magnetoplasma Spacecraft Engine

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    A magnetoplasma spacecraft engine, such as the Variable Area Specific Inpulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR®), uses magnetic fields and a magnetic nozzle to constrict and accelerate plasma to produce thrust. Most of the ejected plasma particles are expected to detach from the magnetic field lines and escape to provide thrust but some particles may not and could impact the spacecraft structure resulting in surface erosion and electrical charging. The plasma plume for a magnetoplasma engine was modeled computationally and scaled to determine what percentage of particles remained in the magnetic field and the kinetic energy of all impacting particles. Factors such as average particle velocity at the engine exit, magnetic field strength, and plume density distribution (i.e. width) were varied in a full factorial experiment to ascertain the effects of each factor and the important inter-relationships. The results are presented for a generic magnetoplasma engine and for the specific VASIMR® case. Detachment was found to be occurring with 99.42% of particles escaping under the worst conditions and only 0.0172% of particles impacting structure. It was determined that three things led to an increase in the number of impacting particles on spacecraft structure: a stronger magnetic field, a lower exit velocity of particles into the plume, and a wider plume. In addition, there was an “erosion zone” where an increasing particle exit velocity led to more erosion until the number of impacting particles was negligible and erosion dropped significantly. For the specific case under nominal conditions, the erosion rate was 1.386 nm/month of engine operating time on aluminum and 0.611 nm/month on silicon. The electrical charging on spacecraft surfaces was found to be -27.85 V DC, which can be mitigated with current plasma contactor technology or some variant. Therefore, magnetoplasma spacecraft engines can be shown to cause minimal erosion and electrical charging and should be capable of operating safely with current technology by varying the three parameters previously mentioned


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    Includes Supplementary MaterialHow can the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) influence Arctic policy, improve Arctic strategy, and optimize Arctic readiness in support of the 2022 National Defense Strategy and National Security Strategy, 2019 DOD Arctic Strategy, and the 2022 Army Arctic Strategy? As we shift focus from Global War on Terror to Strategic Competition, we find ourselves unprepared to compete in critical areas across a range of emerging competition zones, especially in the Arctic. SOF is often ahead of the larger military apparatus in innovation and development and as such must take an active role in defining its role and strategy in the Arctic. This recommended guidance would help address some of our primary findings: â—Ź Arctic security and readiness require Special Operations support. â—Ź Strategic leaders lack a clear understanding of SOF capabilities in the Arctic. â—Ź USASOC units lack the manning, training, and equipping to campaign effectively in the Arctic and to successfully partner with our High North allies and our own indigenous Alaskans. Our findings underpin the recommendation for SOCOM and USASOC to publish Arctic strategies and guidance to ensure our units are better prepared to operate in Arctic environments.Major, United States ArmyMajor, United States ArmyMajor, United States ArmyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    The Brightening of Re50N: Accretion Event or Dust Clearing?

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    The luminous Class I protostar HBC 494, embedded in the Orion A cloud, is associated with a pair of reflection nebulae, Re50 and Re50N, which appeared sometime between 1955 and 1979. We have found that a dramatic brightening of Re50N has taken place sometime between 2006 and 2014. This could result if the embedded source is undergoing a FUor eruption. However, the near-infrared spectrum shows a featureless very red continuum, in contrast to the strong CO bandhead absorption displayed by FUors. Such heavy veiling, and the high luminosity of the protostar, is indicative of strong accretion but seemingly not in the manner of typical FUors. We favor the alternative explanation that the major brightening of Re50N and the simultaneous fading of Re50 is caused by curtains of obscuring material that cast patterns of illumination and shadows across the surface of the molecular cloud. This is likely occurring as an outflow cavity surrounding the embedded protostar breaks through to the surface of the molecular cloud. Several Herbig-Haro objects are found in the region.Comment: 8 pages, accepted by Ap

    Optical properties of Southern Hemisphere aerosols: Report of the joint CSIRO/NASA study

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    This study was made in support of the LAWS and GLOBE programs, which aim to design a suitable Doppler lidar system for measuring global winds from a satellite. Observations were taken from 5 deg S to 45 deg S along and off the E and SE Australian coast, thus obtaining representative samples over a large latitude range. Observations were made between 0 and 6 km altitude of aerosol physical and chemical properties in situ from the CSIRO F-27 aircraft; of lidar backscatter coefficients at 10.6 micron wavelength from the F-27 aircraft; of lidar backscatter profiles at 0.694 microns at Sale, SE Australia; and of lidar backscatter profiles at 0.532 microns at Cowley Beach, NE Australia. Both calculations and observations in the free troposphere gave a backscatter coefficient of 1-2 x 10 to the -11/m/sr at 10.6 microns, although the accuracies of the instruments were marginal at this level. Equivalent figures were 2-8 x 10 to the -9/m/sr (aerosol) and 9 x 10 to the -9 to 2 x 10 to the -8/m/sr (lidar) at 0.694 microns wavelength at Sale; and 3.7 x 10 to the -9/m/sr (aerosol) and 10 to the -8 to 10 to the -7/m/sr (lidar) at 0.532 microns wavelength at Cowley Beach. The measured backscatter coefficients at 0.694 and 0.532 microns were consistently higher than the values calculated from aerosol size distributions by factors of typically 2 to 10
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